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Don't ask me why my eyes are like this

That I don't care if the world is going to end

That they have no compassion on me I sought it alone

And alone, very lonely, I will have to cry

Oh, pain, you look like love

I stayed when you left

You broke my heart

Pain, sideboard closes

When they pass by my house

Do not look for me that I am not

Forgive me I ask my friends

I bring a tusa that I have not known the same

If a man suffers he must go his own way.

Oh alone, I'll just have to cry

Oh, pain, you look like love

I stayed when you left

You broke my heart

Pain, sideboard closes

When they pass by my house

Do not look for me that I am not

And he discovers her sitting at dinner time

And imagine her with him rolling on a beach.

He falls asleep at dawn singing to his grief

And he breaks down knowing she's not in his bed.

Oh, pain, you look like love

I stayed when you left

You broke my heart

Pain, sideboard closes

When they pass by my house

Do not look for me that I am not

Let Me Suffer

Let Me Cry

Let me say how I feel

Let Me Cry

Let Me Suffer

Let me express what I feel

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