Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 has had several bugs and issues that have popped up within hours of its release and have soured the new gaming experience for several players in the community. A new bug has surfaced in the game where the player is abruptly ejected from an ongoing match and it can be in any mode.

The title has been out for around more than a day now and there are already multiple hiccups occurring in-game that are preventing fans from playing the game and experiencing flawless multiplayer gameplay.

Let us take a look at the latest bug that Modern Warfare 2 has decided to throw at the players and make the game even more inconsistent.

Modern Warfare 2 DEV ERROR 356

Activision has had a somewhat successful series of beta phases where they had ample amount of time to identify, address, and fix the bugs and issues that came up during that time. A sincere nod towards the publishers since they did fix most of the issues that made the game feel rough and ragged during the beta weeks.

However, a new multiplayer game is bound to face new challenges as it makes its place in the wild world of other dominant online shooters looking to continue the legacy of the Call of Duty saga.

Dev Error 356

The current nature of this new bug “DEV ERROR 356” is unknown but has been seen in multiple iterations of the series. Whenever a Dev Error occurs, the problem is found to be rooted in the localized versions of the language packs.

Assumptions can be made that this error also exists within the local files in Modern Warfare 2 and will be fixed rather quickly with a patch from the publishers.

Possible fix

The error pertains to only a certain percentage of players currently, which leads to the assumption that it can be a corrupt local file or two which causes the game to abruptly crash mid-way through a match.

Players can give it a shot by changing the in-game language from another language pack, back to English, and then restarting the game. If the bug is associated with localized language files, it should be resolved with a quick in-game reset.

Verifying the game file integrity is also a great method to ensure that all the local game files are present and intact. If the game is missing any files, it will be redownloaded automatically by the game client.

The bug may also be related to the in-game shaders, which would then require a shader restart to fix the issue. The on-demand texture streaming option can also be toggled off to try and ensure a reduction on the system’s hardware.

Possible reasons

The bug name has been seen in past Call of Duty titles that were associated with the local game files. Fans can expect some sort of irregularity in their Modern Warfare 2 files, which is causing them to get kicked out of the game lobbies.

The publishers have also been facing some server issues which may be the reason that the game suddenly loses its connection, which results in the player being sent back to the home menu.

Activision has yet to address and deploy fixes for this newfound bug. Hence, without any official announcement, a certain permanent fix cannot be used that would work for the entire community.

Stay tuned to Sportskeeda for more bug fixes and Modern Warfare 2 mission walkthroughs that will be covered regularly.

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