Max Holloway has recalled the time he was called a Tony Ferguson lookalike by a fan who did not recognize him.

The former featherweight champion revealed that he was once mistaken for Tony Ferguson. As narrated by Holloway, he was out to eat when a workman came up to him and told him that he resembled Ferguson.

Interestingly, 'Blessed' tried to give a sly hint by suggesting that people say that he looks more like Max Holloway. While recalling the incident, the former UFC featherweight champion said:

"The worked comes up, he goes, 'Yo, dude, bro, anybody ever told you. you look like Tony Ferguson.' I kind just waived it off like, 'Yeah, cool.' He was like, 'Yo man, you don't know what UFC is?' And I was like, 'Yeah, I know what UFC is, actually, that's funny because a lot of people tell me that, when they talk about UFC, that I look like Max Holloway. You know, the champ guy?' And he's like, 'Oh yeah.' And then he's like, he does this, he looks at me, 'That's right I kinda see it, but you kinda look like Tony Ferguson.'"

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Max Holloway next fight: Who will 'Blessed' fight next?

'Blessed' returned to the octagon this past weekend against Arnold Allen at UFC Kansas City. Coming off a rather loopsided loss to Alexander Volkanovski, Holloway put on an impressive performance and proved that he is still a worthy contender.

Following a win over Arnold Allen, there has been a lot of speculation surrounding his future. Considering the fact that Holloway has won 12 straight non-title fights in the UFC, another title shot won't be undeserved. However, it looks like 'Blessed' wants to take on someone else before fighting for the title.

Speaking about his next fight during the post-fight press-conference at UFC Kansas City, Max Holloway suggested that he would like to face No.6-ranked contender Chan Sung Jung.

“Brother, brother. Korean Zombie, that’s the only guy from the - that is the only guy in my time with the older guys that didn’t get to fight. I would love that fight. There is a fight in my agent’s fricking country, Australia. Australia’s supposed to be happening sometime, we don’t know when. If Korean Zombie wants to get it, he can get it. He can get it.”

Watch the press conference below:

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