Sabbath Brewing has garnered immense backlash online after its owner Jeffrey Oparnica was accused of abuse and s*xual assault. The pub has gathered several negative reviews since the proprietor was accused of being a r*pist. At the time of writing this article, it was announced that the organization was temporarily closed. Some of the reviews online gave the restaurant a low rating due to the latest allegations. At the time of writing this article, neither the company nor Oparnia had responded to the allegations.

As Sabbath Brewing revealed online that they were temporarily closed, many began wondering as to why it was shut down at the time. Twitter user @austinlouisray was also curious as to whether it would get closed permanently.

In another tweet, the platform user also noted that the brewery was receiving bad reviews online. One person wrote online:

“The owner is an abuser. Avoid this place”

Reacting to the latest allegations, one person opined that those part of the music scene hold the responsibility of cultivating a safe environment for women, people of color and those part of the LGBTQ community. The tweet read:

Allegations against Sabbath Brewing’s owner explored

The band Knife Wound was among the many who accused owner Jeffrey Oparnica of being an abuser. They took to their official Instagram account recently and attached an image of the latter and called him a “r*pist and an abuser.” They also alerted people to be safe around him.

Knife Wound asks netizens to be careful around Jeffrey Oparnica (Image via knifewoundatl/Instagram)

In another social media post, the band announced that they will not be playing at Sabbath Brewing since the allegations have come to light. On their Instagram story, they wrote:

“MULTIPLE women have come forward to us privately and publicly stating that Jeffrey the owner is a rapist and abuser of people and animals in a general danger to the Atlanta scene… We recommend that you don’t continue to support this establishment as long as Jeffrey is running the venue.”
Knife Wound accuses the establishment’s owner of being an abuser (Image via knifewoundatl/Instagram)

As many continue to wonder whether the establishment will be permanently shutting down, Twitter user @troop_respecter claimed that several staff members of Sabbath Brewing quit due to the allegations against Oparnica. It was also revealed that several bands who were set to perform at the venue were now dropping out and “looking for other venues.”

It is important to note that the aforementioned information has not been verified.

Sabbath Brewing opened in July 2021. They are best known for having an array of beers. However, are known for their Saisons and Grisettes. Bands Spy, Strangle You, Razor Tail, 18th Amendment and Tsuris recently performed at the venue.

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